Eating fish and other seafood can do wonders for your health, and it’s a delicious way to eat clean all year. From reducing the risk of disease to improving your overall wellness, there are many benefits to be gained from making seafood a staple in your diet. So, let’s take a look at just some of the highlights. 

The Nutritional Content of Seafood 

Seafood is packed with essential vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and magnesium. It’s also one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are commonly associated with brain health, heart health, and joint support. Additionally, seafood contains high amounts of protein, which helps build muscle mass and encourage healthy weight management. 

Reduced Risk for Disease 

Eating more fish has been linked to a lower risk for certain diseases. Studies show that consuming two servings of seafood per week can help reduce the risk of stroke by up to 10% in adults over 40. Research also suggests that regularly eating fish may reduce inflammation associated with arthritis and other autoimmune conditions. 

Improved Mood & Cognitive Functioning  

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish help to optimize brain function and can even improve mood in some cases. Studies suggest that omega-3s boost cognitive performance by increasing blood flow to the brain, leading to increased memory, focus, concentration, and reasoning.


With so many benefits associated with consistently enjoying fish, adding just one or two servings of seafood per week is an easy way to start savoring the results! 

So go ahead — treat yourself (and your body!) by adding some delicious catches to your diet.

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Sourced Straight from Sea to Table

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Sourced through trusted experts and chosen for taste, texture and quality.
thermometer icon
Flash frozen to lock in the fresh-off-the-dock taste.
AKC truck icon
Packaged with dry ice and shipped overnight directly to your door.
plate with seafood icon
Simply thaw, prep, heat, and eat.
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