Where does seafood come from? Seafood can be wild-caught or farm-raised. Alaskan King Crab Co. proudly offers wild-caught seafood, ensuring the highest quality and taste of each catch. Let's learn about the key differences between farmed and wild-caught seafood.

fisherman pulling up crab trap from the ocean

What Does Farmed Seafood Mean

Farming seafood, known as aquaculture, involves raising fish or shellfish in controlled environments such as tanks or ocean pens. While farming allows for a steady seafood supply, it has raised concerns over environmental sustainability, water pollution, and the use of antibiotics and other chemicals to keep the fish healthy. 

Farmed seafood is often bred in conditions that limit the species' natural behavior, impacting their overall health and flavor. Similarly to poultry or cattle receiving additives and artificial hormones, many farmed fish receive a similar diet. Ultimately, you may have the same concerns with beef/poultry with farmed fish. 

While farming has its place in feeding the world's growing population, it's essential to note that there is good farming that has long-term impacts on the environment and the taste of seafood.

The Integrity of Wild-Caught Seafood 

At Alaskan King Crab Co., we specialize in wild-caught seafood because we believe in its superior taste, nutrition, and sustainability. Wild-caught seafood, such as our King Crab and wild-caught Salmon, is harvested from its natural environment — the pristine waters off the coast of Alaska.

Our King Crab comes from the deep, icy waters, where it thrives in its natural habitat. It is immediately cooked and flash-frozen on the boat to preserve the fresh taste and texture. These crabs are known for their sweet, delicate meat and large size, making them a true delicacy. People love wild-caught Salmon for its rich flavor, natural fats, and high-quality protein. These fish live freely in the wild, feeding on a smaller fish and plankton diet, resulting in a healthier, more flavorful product.

In addition to superior taste, wild-caught seafood supports a more sustainable ecosystem. By avoiding crowded farming conditions, we help protect natural habitats and maintain healthy fish populations.

Why Wild-Caught Matters 

When you choose wild-caught seafood from Alaskan King Crab Co., you're getting the freshest, most flavorful seafood available and supporting sustainable practices and the health of our oceans. Whether it's our sweet, tender King Crab or our wild-caught Salmon (or other catches), we take pride in delivering seafood as natural as nature intended.


Does wild-caught seafood taste better than farmed seafood?
Is wild-caught seafood healthier?
Why is wild-caught seafood considered more sustainable?
Can I taste the difference between wild-caught and farmed King Crab?
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Sourced Straight from Sea to Table

boat icon
Sourced through trusted experts and chosen for taste, texture and quality.
thermometer icon
Flash frozen to lock in the fresh-off-the-dock taste.
AKC truck icon
Packaged with dry ice and shipped overnight directly to your door.
plate with seafood icon
Simply thaw, prep, heat, and eat.
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